Monday, August 31, 2009

5 years ago today...God gave the best gift ever

This precious little boy.Didn't find out I was pregnant until I was almost half way through,against the advice of the doctors...gained 89 lbs,went into premature labor at 29.5 weeks...was on bedrest from that point on,had him early......and you know what.........I wouldn't change a thing.

I love my little man with all my heart. I can still remember the feeling when they laid him on my chest. I can still remember holding him for the first time, nursing him for the first time, having to frantically cut surgerical masks to make him little g-string diapers when he was under the lights for jaundice.

I can still remember when I had the pleasure of holding up his little head because he couldn't do it himself.

I can still remember how he screamed constantly. Colic isn't fun.

But it is worth it.

Because they turn into smiley little boys like this.

Those little boys learn to do all kids of things...they think their mommy and daddy are the coolest people in the world.

They do get attitude from time to time but for the most part they are happy :)

It boggles my mind that you go from this:

To this..bring him home from the hospital.

To this,wearing his birthday hat in such a short time :(

It seems like only yesterday, I was holding a screaming baby, that he was getting his first tooth(4 months), walking (7.5months),saying his first word...which was hello. and now he loves batman, transformers, space, tornados


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