Trying to see if this thing still works ;0)
Sorry I have been MIA. Just had a busy few days. Just been a little heavy hearted as well with things that some of my poor friends are having to deal with. I hate to see people in pain :(
Anyway, Houston is snoozing away. I will have to pay for this later. He got up early this morning to go to Mass. We go to the early one so I am getting him up about
6:15. A few minutes before I get him up before school. Those extra minutes must be a big deal :P
I have my treatment tomorrow so I feel sooo tired :P I will be very glad to get my "Liquid Gold."
Anyway, I will try and write more later. My brain is shot.
I enjoyed Mass today, I did have a mishap though. Me and the lady next to me went down on a kneeler. Her side was missing the screw :O We about bit it big time ....not good. Good message though :)
2 weeks ago
Hello there. I'm not quite sure what treatment you will be having, but I will be praying for you.
Best of luck to you!!!
Thanks, I have a immune defiency and I have to have a treatment monthly :P
Thanks for sharing. I hope the treatment goes well for you.
I can just picture you and the other lady on the kneeler! I don't know if I would be able to hold in my laughter if I saw that! I'm glad there were no casualities though ;)
ps. i don't mean that in a mean way! I'm just bad for laughing at innapropriate moments...
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