Taking a little bit of a break in the backyard watching my little guy drive his power wheel and thought I would do a little update.
I had a pretty good day. I am joining another gym tomorrow. I have been having major self esteem issues, with all the extra weight the predisone has piled on :P Hopefully, it will help.
I am proud of myself. I prayed the Rosary today and did pretty well remember everything. It is starting to be second nature. Still a little intimidated to do it before Mass though. I am slow :P LOL
I am about to feast on some lovely baked lays and a diet mountain dew. The sun is shining. I just talked with some great people in a Catholic chat room. Houston is behaving. Today is a good day:)
I hope everyone else is having a good day. I admit I didn't get a whole lot done today, but my house is pretty tidy and I am just feeling puny waiting on my treatment next week :P
Off to read a few blogs! You are all so much more entertaing than I am. :O I am even bored with myself
2 weeks ago
I feel so accomplished if I pray the rosary. I admit I pray along with a rosary podast because I don't quite have the Apostle's Creed down and don't even ask about the Hail Holy Queen. The cool thing is I can get in atleast four decades of the rosary on my drive home from RCIA because I get EWTN in my car and they play it from 8-8:30pm. I love the picture of the hand with the rosary. I downloaded the same one and wanted to put it on my blog too. My current blog design doesn't allow header images though. It's a very pretty image. But the pic of your son was adorable...and was the big book the New Answers Catholic Bible?? I have one so I recognized it. Your blog is not boring. I enjoy reading it very much. Have a great Thursday and I hope you are feeling better.
That is the bible I have. I love it!We don't get EWTN on our radio...makes me sad. I have been doing praying my rosary in ds's car rider line. It is silent and I can think...lol I have the Creed down for the most part. The Hail Holy Queen, I admit I still have to use a cheat sheet some...lol.
I love reading your blog! You said your daughter was 3, when was she born. My son was born 8.31.
My daughter just turned three on March 1. She is really good and super sweet, she has always been a bit bossy and demanding, but has really become testy now that she is three. She has a bad temper. My son was just plain wild at 3, a big difference with a girl I guess. Is your son wild and crazy?
We call him the "Weapon of Mass Destruction" he is off the hook wild. ;0)
okay, so i just spent the last hour reading your blog...yes...the entire thing! Love it, very entertaining and inspirational. It inspires me to be more open and honest on mine! Im adding you to my list of friends on my blog...those that i 'stalk' constantly!
What a beautiful version of Ave Maria, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
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