1. Do you like blue cheese dressing? No way. Don't even like lettuce much...it's the texture
2. Have you ever smoked cigarettes? Yes..
3. Do you own a gun?We have a little pistol in a safe
4. What's your favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee shops? Don't really have one..
5. What do you think of hot dogs? My hubby and I both HATE them..if it was the only food in the world we wouldn't eat one...what is our child's fav food...you guessed it.
6. Favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night, and Mary's Song-Breath of Heaven
7. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Diet Mt. Dew
8. Can you do push-ups? Sure
9. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? wedding ring...it's really all I wear..I have an allerdy to nickel and gold so it limits the jewels
10. Favorite hobbies? time with fam and friends, reading, scrapbooking, photography, browsing the web and watching documentries
11. Do you have ADD? nope but ocd...close enough?
12. What's one trait that you hate about yourself? my crapload of wiry gray hair and my big old chin and spare tire
13. Middle name? Marie. ....every middle eastern catholic has to have a varation or mary, marie, marie, martha, matilda....etc..I think it is a rule ;)
14. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? I wish I felt better, wish H wasn't sick and I still have so much to do..
15. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Diet Grapico..( I pretend this was wine when I was little ;) ) , Dt. Mt Diew, water
16. Current worry right now? too many to list
17. Current dislike(s)right now? way too many to list!
18. Favorite place to be? with loved ones...
19. How did you ring in the New Year? at home partying like a 4 yr old...
20. Like to travel? love...I also want to move EVERYWHERE I travel
21. Name 3 people that will complete this? uh,probably no one since no one reads the blog...LOL
22. Do you own slippers? yes...my dh bought them for christmas and was dismayed he had to get me a man's ten ;) LOL
23. What color shirt are you wearing? blue
24. Could you make it 39 days on Survivor? If there was a home health care nurse to give me my treatment...LOL
25. What song do you sing in the shower? Usually No Doubt...
26. Favorite girls names? My fav name was Lily, I also like Margo, Tallulah, Lola, Cora, Penelope, Scarlett,Piper, Poppy, Daisy etc.
27. Favorite boys names? Atticus would have been H name if it wasn't Houston ...also like Satchel, Sawyer, Silas, Jonas, Hudson, Harrison,etc.
28. What's in your pocket right now? nothing
29. Last thing that made you laugh? who knows..I have a weird since of humor...
30. Worst injury you've ever had? weirdest probably when they took my tumor out...I have a gnarly scar too..painwise top three....getting chest tubes taken out, natural childbirth, and a bone marrow aspiration while awake...it hurt so Dang bad..
31. Do you love where you live? hells no
32. How many t.v's do you have in your hthe shizzle!ouse? 4 but 2 are 13 inch and about 15 years old ;)
33. Who's your loudest friend? I only hang out with loud people ;)
34. Does someone have a crush on you? Only if they dig chewbaca...I really need to get the eyebrows done again...anyone in my family can grow full sideburns , mustaches, and a unibrow...and that is just the ladies ;)
35. What's your favorite candy? Fruity stuff...only chocolate things I like are junior mints..which make my hubby queasy just to smell...mint makes him hurl...
36. Favorite sports team? The Peanunts tball team :)
37. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? waiting on laundry:P
39. What's your favorite holiday? Easter and Christmas...it's a tie
40. What are your plans for tomorrow? hanging with H-man.
2 weeks ago
I read your blog! I've been a bit behind on reading blogs lately though.
I'm not a big fan of hot dogs either. My daughter won't eat them anymore after she threw one up in the middle of the night last year. And honestly, it scarred me for life too. haha.
I love that picture in your header!
I want pop first thing in the morning, too. It's terrrrrrrible.
The unibrow thing made me laugh. I hate my chin, too.
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