Well, I haven't updated in a while because I have been sick sick sick...not fun.
Well, I went to the doc last week and ended up getting put in the hospital trying to get some of my infections cleared up. I am still in some pain( cut me some slack, if this makes no sense...painkillers can be life saver :) )
I still feel nasty but I am getting better I think. I have a week work of appointments...I literally have one everyday..same things next week. Not fun.
I was super bummed to miss Mass this past Sunday.
I am glad I am getting better though because I have some really exciting things coming up as we concluded Lent. I can't WAIT until Easter :)
Sooooo excited.
I need a pretty, and somewhat cheap dress for Easter...any ideas?!
I am on the lookout for Houston and outfit too. He is bigger so I have problems finding him outfits that I think look age apporiate. I am keeping my eyes open. Any ideas for him?
Anyway, I will post more tomorrow after my appt at 11:00. The pain pill is starting to kick in...but I knew if I didn't take it I was never getting to sleep :P
Night ladies.
2 weeks ago
I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so sick. And it must be pretty bad if you were in the hospital and are on pain meds. I'll definitely be praying for you. ;)
I need an Easter outfit for my little man too. He hates dressing up so it's tough. My daughter has so many dresses thanks to her birthday I won't have to worry about her Easter dress.
I'm like you...on the lookout for a cheap Easter dress too. I'm not much of a dress person so it's going to be difficult.
Get well soon!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
ROSS for Less has some great dresses all around $20! I am not sure if theres one wher eyou are but one is on 280 & one in Irondale!
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