Well I have been slowly but surely getting over the funk that I have had. Praise God! Yay,me.
I have gotten all the gifts that are going to be gotten. Yay, me again. It it isn't bought..it isn't going to be :O
Houston is soooo stinking cute with his love for Santa. We went to see him last night and he was so stinking excited. So excited I got the WORLD"S WORST santa pic. He is looking to the side with Jack Nicholson eyebrows..the one I snapped with my camera....Santa is holding his head to the front...yeah..not good. I think I am going to take him to visit the other Santa and hope for the best. So when he wakes up from his nap...he is getting put back in his Christmas outfit:P Obessive much?
Houston tells us something new he wants Santa to bring him everyday. The last few days he has went on and on about dinosaurs and fire engines...so we have franically tracked some down:P The craziest thing he has wanted was a "Crying Baby." Yeah, not happening, little man. If he thinks Santa is bringing that, boy will he be disappointed!
All my presents are wrapped and ready to go. We have to head to my mom's Christmas thing tomorrow. It should be fun. A big ol' Lebanese Christmas. I will post some pics, if I manage to get any good ones. I so wish I already had my DSLR, but it ain't going to happen :P Oh well, patience is a virtue.
My house is clean for the most part...thank god. I can have a lazy Sunday, for ONCE. :O I so dread fighting the traffic to go see Santa again:P
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
You've got to post the Bad Santa pic!! LOL!! I love seeing those. Also I want to see your Lebaneese (sp?) Christmas!!!
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