I read all these wonderful blogs and get totally wrapped up and invested in them...then there is mine. I swear it has to be the most boring blog ever.
Am I really this boring? Or just misunderstood?LOL
I have lots that I haven't updated lately...so here is it goes.
Houston had his developmental testing. They told me that day that they felt just like everyone else alot of his problem boils down to his seizures...who knows. I was supposed to meet with the school board on the 13th but wouldn't you know....I came down with a bad lung infection I am still trying to fight, so instead, I end up hooked up to massive dosages of steriods and antibotics trying to keep myself out of hospital....only time will tell.
I haven't even gotten half of the presents bought and yet I am supposed to stay home...I may have to turn the reins over to the hubby :O
I am still waiting on a few boxes from ebay. So of the stuff is my little sister's present...I ordered her alot of old babysitter's club books, she has started to read them and they aren't published anymore :( I also have a little confession....I ordered a duplicate or two for me on some of my old favorites....Am I nuts? My reasoning....so I have them for the daughter I may have one day...LOL Yeah, I am nuts.
I am also waiting on my new lcd for my laptop to come....my wonderful hubby decided to fix my busted screen for christmas. Yay!!!!!! I miss having my own computer.
God, all these steriods are making me so hungry...I am about at the point of knawing off my arm...I need to lock up the fridge.
Houston's talking has really improved lately. Yeah, him. He is still behind but doing better. He was actually singing Jingle Bells in the store today and other people could tell what he was singing :) It's a small thing but hey it is still sweet.
Well, I better run, I will try to update later tonight with something witty and insightful :P
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I'm so sorry you've been so sick. That's awful!! Sounds like Houston is doing better though!! I've still got to get Keira in to the DR. & get her tested. I'm wondering if her hearing is still messed up?
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