Various family members are filling me in on what they are getting Houston, a train table,gaming systems, you name it.
I swear I am going to have to add a wing on to the house.
I just found out that my grandmother is in the hospital, hopefully she gets out tomorrow. She is having blood issues. She is in the hospital getting transfusions now.
I hope everything helps and she gets out soon :(
Jeremy and I have been watching the show "Suprnatural" today and it is pretty good. I had never even heard of it before.
I got lots of good dvds the other day with birthday money....:) Yay, me.
Houston has been a little messy boy the last couple of days...the dragging out gets old :P
Sorry don't have a ton to write about...I will attempt to write more later but I can't be held accountable if I don't.
2 weeks ago