Houston and I have been staying with my parents for the last few days... had doc appts and family stuff.
Went to a bridal shower for my soon to be triple cousin after she is married. Can we say small town...LOL
Went out to eat with my cousin and my good friend yesterday.They are both birthday girls on the 30th...so we celebrated.We then went to a movie.It was fun!
Today was my due date with this last pregnancy.Makes me sad...instead last week we got to go to the genecist :( They did say that they didn't think the trisomy was inherited. We got a copy of a slide that showed our little girl's dna pairs. It was neat.The didn't see any translocations on there so that was good.
They again said since it was the complete trisomy.That you usually miscarried when we did between 11-14 weeks. If you go any farther the babies are stillborn.There has never been a complete Trisomy 8 baby born alive. It's sad :*(
Oh well sorry to depress you...just had to mention.
I am doing better than I thought.
I have had a lot to keep me busy.
Anyway, we are heading back home later. I gotta get home to get Houston to school tomorrow and the hubby got some kind bad news about his MS today at the doc so I gotta take care of him :)
I could use a few prayers if you don't mind.
Oh I get to start RCIA finally on the 10th!! WHOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!
I will write more later..sorry this is so hard to read.
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
I'm sorry, Jade :(
I'm glad they said the trisomy wasn't inherited.
I hope you have a good week.
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