Houston has started "Viva Viagra" :P Yeah, not cool.
I keep trying to tell him it is a trashcan song but he isn't getting it.:P Nice.
Only my kid...I offically hate those commericals even more .
I am kinda bummed. I am going to have to miss Moms group at church tomorrow morning..which is bad enough but I am also going to have to miss watching Fireproof ***pout pout :( I hate doc appts. In good news those some more of my meds are on Walmart's 4 dollar list..yay me...gotta get my prescripts sent over there.
I so dread driving to the doc tomorrow but you got to do what you gotta do I guess.
The hubby and are trying to cut corners during this touch economic times. It is hard but worth it. I know I have always been very frugal but you don't realize how much the little 4 and 5 dollar purchases add up. :P They do and fast!
The hubby has also started eating more leftovers. Yay, him! He has always been anti-leftovers....I have brought him over to the dark side ;)
Sorry this is like the dullest blog post ever but I am tired and it's what is on my mind ;) Poor you. I am not sure anyone reads this thing anyway.
I need to post some pics but that would require taking some :P I usually take a ton not so much lately..not even sure why.
Anyway, hope life is treating everyone well.
We are trucking along here.
I am excited to report that RCIA is ticking along. I can take communion soon! Yay me! I am also pumped to say we should be in our new beautiful church soon. It is sooooooo pretty. We will be in it by Easter Vigil :) Can't wait.
Write more soon!
2 weeks ago