I am alive. Just don't have a computer. I have moved and don't have Internet yet. I am in the process of a divorce, don't want to elaborate any more than that, luckily Jeremy and I are able to remain friends during this time. Houston is the priority. We are trying to make the transition as easy as possible for him.
He has done pretty well so far. There have been a few meltdowns and man are they terrible :*(
Just wanted ya'll to know healthwise, I am pretty good,all the new lupus meds are somewhat doing the trick. Had a bad cold, ear infection and upper respitory infection last week, but I am getting better.
I have my parents to help me as well so that helps, and it helps keep their mind of my grandmother's passing :( She will have been gone 2 months on the 17th :(
Been a crappy last couple of months. Keep us in your prayers.
Hope you all have been well.
2 weeks ago