Just wanted the one or two people who may still read this thing, know that I am still ticking.
This time of year is just tough for me healthwise. So I can venture out and wear a Michael Jackson mask or stay home, so a lot of the time I stay home.
Sometimes, I just say forget about it and go out but often pay for it later.
Just gotta be careful this time of year because a lot goes around.
Breathing issues have been the issue of late as achy joints have been. Man, oh man, there is a reason I have went through like 4 heating pads in the last year. I <3 them!
Anyway, that was just my poor attempt at excusing myself ;)
Seriously, I need to make it a point to update this thing, daily or at least a couple of times a week.
But I mean how fasicinating could you find treatments and doctor's appointments?? Not very.
I just know that today, I am super grateful for a blessing I don't deserve...being a mother to a sweet boy.
I can remember being in the hospital after they had removed my heap of a tumor( otherwise know as Fred) and coming out of the fog they had had me in for about 5 days....and feeling so sick and holy crap this hurts....and what are all these tubes coming out of my body...and one of the first things I remember Jeremy saying was hopefully one of the next times you are in the hospital, it is to bring a baby home. And I can remember thinking, no way, as the doctors had already threatened me body harm if I got pregnant within the next 18 months...well wouldn't you know, I got pregnant with my little guy 6 weeks later, and then he was almost 6 weeks early so people seem to think Jeremy snuck into ICU, I promise he didn't ;P LOL
Being Houston's mother is such a blessing, and one I often feel I don't deserve. He is pretty great :)
Oliver in Brazil: January 2025
4 days ago
What a sweet picture.
I'm sorry you've been feeling so awful lately. This time of year just plain sucks!!
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مع خالص الشكر،،،
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