Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pass me a Xanax.

Man, my nerves are about shot. Still playing phone tag with the EI. I left her a message. Hopefully, we can set something up for next week.

I was inspecting Cheese's teeth today. Yes, I inspect them..LOL and I noticed a tiny little darker area that looks like the enamel may have chipped right between his two front teeth. He has banged those chompers so many times no telling when he did it. It has just darked in like the last day though. So I am trying to get him an appt with a pedi dentist. Did I mention the dentist is like my worst fear. I hate going. I am 25 years old and still have to get them put a mask over my face. This is the reason I am the teeth inspector and have only had one cavity.UGH

I have my treatment Thursday. It's with a new nurse this time and I really really dread it. I have a port in my chest and they have to put a blunt needle in it and I am infused over like 5 hours. Well I can't use the numbing imagine a blunt fish hook going in you...not fun...well everyone is positioned differently and the new nurses always miss or break the needle on the metal in the port...ugh. I am dreading it bad. My regular nurse will be on Mat. leave for a while.

I feel so bad and so achy I don't want to do anything.Houston is being terrific though so that is great. We are having fun at home.

Oh well keep your fingers crossed for my sanity. I feel slightly

Monday, February 26, 2007

Still not had the EI evaluation...

It has me so freaked out. In order to qualify the test all areas of lanuage. Ds's only real delay is in expressive lanuage. I would hate the fact that he understands keep him from getting speech therpy.

I am just so worked up and down about the whole thing.

Eye Candy

I am still ticking.

Just getting into the swing of this stay at home mom thing. Listing things on ebay, getting a schedule you know the drill.

I will be out of commission towards the end of the week. I have my monthly treatment...yuck. I may stay up a day or so to visit the family some.

I will write a longer post a little later...Houston keeps getting up and not wanting to take a nap.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Does anyone read this thing???

I think I may be writing all this for my own benefit......I know it is boring....sorry.

I am watching Menopause at 22.It is pretty interesting,it is really depressing me though....I am scared that will be me in a few years. I am already well on my way. I wish I could afford lots of fertility drugs....God will provide I guess if it's meant to be. No one is guaranteed anything I guess.

Way OT but I watched SAW III and man was it gory. I wish I hadn't watched it. I do think it had a good weird as that is to say. The message was not to leave a vengefull life. Words to live by if you me.

Crap on a cracker.....

Sorry for the vulgarity but I am more than a little p.o.ed.

For the third day in a row in water for the majority of the day.They are doing it is fun to PT with no running water....


Still no cable man.

I hate when they say between 8-10 and then they come at like 10:30. It throws our whole schedule off...ugh. Now Houston will be all up in their business...too bad for them. They should have came earlier;)

I have so much I need to do. Clean out my car, it is bad! Go to the post office. Those are just a few of the bad everywhere I got to go isn't in the same direction. At least it's not cold,cold. Houston is a bear to get out of the car when it is really windy and cold. I can't say I blame him.

I have also got to deep clean some today. I am good about being able to keep it straight...but Houston is the master at foiling my plan on really scrubbing. I at least want to be able to get the front bath due to the fact that the EI will be coming sometime this week...hopefully. We shall see.

I guess I will call if there is still no cable man at 10. Man, I could have slept about 30 min later...instead of getting up to get an earlier show...I wanted to be ready and stuff by the time he got here. Crap,crap,crap. Oh well, I may have to partake in a power nap when Houston does....LOL

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Man, oh man.

It's been a long one. Houston has been great during the day a holy terror at night. Hubby has had to work very late both nights, so I think that had alot to do with it. He is up and running around again...ugh..He will go down for a while and then pop back up.

I think all his meds are keeping him wired too. The cable man is coming by at 8 he will be getting up early whether he likes it or not. This doing anything he can to stay a wake thing is OLD NEWS.

I took a Tylenol PM. I wish that dang thing would kick in. I can tell I will get zero sleep if it doesn't kick in. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sorry I have nothing super exciting or witty to say today. I am just too dang tired...LOL

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tomorrow ....

Tomorrow is my first day as a SAHM...well since May. We will see how it goes. Today Houston colored himself a beard with his crayola it should be pretty fun ;)

He is a great kid. I am so lucky to have him! He makes me laugh constantly. He is such a ham.

We should have the meeting with the EI person in our home this week. I will keep everyone posted. I do dread cleaning the house though;) LOL

Not much to talk about today...sorry for the dullness.

Guess who has scarlet fever again...

I bet you can't guess...... okay, I will tell you...Houston. Big suprise there...huh?

**Insert scream here**

So my first day back home with him will probably be spent at the peds office and of course it is a long weekend this week...nice.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I feel so guilty...

I feel like I am depriving Houston of friends. If I was still working he could still go to school with his friends. I feel like a failure. I am going to try to make things as school like as possible. Lot of play dates hopefully.

Hubby has been out with one his fellow history lovers. They have panned for gold, look at revoultary graves you name it. He should be in a good mood. I am a little jealous. I love anything historical myself. We are such nerds. Houston will grow up knowing tons of useless facts and be a great trival pursuit player. LOL

Houston has been my little buddy today. A little whiney though. I think alot of it is frustration about not being able to communicate 100% with us. His talking has gotten better but we still have a ways to go because I can already tell articulation is going to be a problem too. Oh well, he tries so hard. I just think people tend to judge him a little unfairly due to his size too..kwim?

Man, I don't want to deep clean,cook, or anything. I have been putting off going out and running to the store...for two's cold and because Houston insisted on dressing himself and is wearing sandals.

Write more later.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Houston's last day at school

He was a hugging fool!


Our internet just came back up after being down for a few was not fun ;)

A few new things....first off we met with the E.I. people today. We are doing the in home evaulation next week. It seems his delay is in his expressive lanuage. I will keep everyone posted on that.

Thursday was my last day at work. Kinda sad. Today was Houston's last day of school. It broke my heart. He loves his buddies. He will be so confused next week. He seems kinda sad, I think he realizes something is up....poor little man.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Little more eye Candy....

More pics of Houston wearing his funny hat at his seizures since we increased his meds!!!YAY!He looks so sad:(
Blogger is giving me fits!
Doing his best Corbin or as he as "Cordon" Bleu impression. He loves that double dutch

Eye Candy

The poop can't tell he insisted on wearing his Crocs!

Well I am about to be a stay at home mom again.

I am so glad to stay at home and have fun with my little guy but so worried about money. We could swing me staying at home if it weren't for all the darn medical bills. Oh well, God will provide. Pray for me.

I feel sorry for Houston he loves his buddy Addison,luckily though Hubby works with her Grandma so maybe they can still "date."

Houston is so funny. We are attempting to potty train. He is sooooo dang funny.
I will post a pic of his "Poop" face later.

He is having a V-day party at school tomorrow, his last day will be Thursday. I think he will be sad that he isn't going to school any more but hopefully mommy's love can cure it.

Please Keep the Gilley family in your prayers.He was a friend of mine and is married to a distant cousin of mine. He passed away and his funeral was today.He leaves behind a small daughter.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I could beat someone with a stick.....seriously.

Man, we thought are our taxes went through just luck. So now do to the fact that we had already E-Filed we get to wait for 7 more weeks...Lovely!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Few pics

At his EEG and playing the guitar with Daddy.

I think Blogger just ate my massive post...


Hope I am not jinxing us!

But since we have started the new dosage of seizures...Praise God!

He has another appointment on Thursday with Dr.Syed the Neurologist. Maybe the EEG we had done last week will shed some light on the whole situation. Maybe not?

Houston is such a little blessing. He is such a little ham. Talk about a sense of comedic timing...He has it for sure!

He is still in love with a little girl at school. He even sings sounds about her on his "Otar", that's guitar in Big Cheese....So far we can only make out my friend Addison, something sweet. He cracked us up the other day. He started singing... Jacop (Jacob) my friend is cooooooollllll. He was so proud.

Man, I dread going into work tomorrow. Lately I have been doing lots of data entry and man is it the pitts! I am so not a clerical type work.... Paralegal yes, asst. nope.

Hubby and I are trying our dramatic to stay to a budget...We need to pay off some of our massive medical bills. I feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It is hard not to feel stuck in a job, when you know that when everyone in our family has major medical issues that keep you from getting immediate insurance. It really bites....In the worst way. We don't do a lot of things that cost money...Don't have expensive hobbies but still don't have a lot of disposable income. Mighty frustrating....But such is life. It could always be worse.

Oh on a brighter note. I don't know how many of you know that I have a brother that is truly a miracle. He has DiGeorge syndrome, which is an abnormality of the 22 Chromosome. He has a lot of serious medical problems...Including a heart defect he wasn't suppose to ever survive. My parents went with an experimental surgery and a few surgeries later here he is. Well he just turned 18 which is a huge milestone. He suffers from severe dyslexia due to the DiGeorge. He has a hard time reading etc. So it has always been a hard ordeal for him. He also has a speech impediment do to his medical condition.

Well my parents prayed for years that God would give him something that would make him feel special. Well God sure came through! My brother is moving to LA in June and is pursuing a music career! He is honestly the best guitar I have ever heard and is a great singer too and get this sings with no lisp. How is that possible....Anyway I just want to share some of my excitement for my baby brother who has achieved so much and is truly one of my heroes....

I know I am rambling but I haven't updated in a while.

Where oh where is my brain....

I swear alot of days I don't think I have one....LOL

I am having to hang out a work late because I left my purse with my house keys and garage door opener in it...on the coat rack...ugh.

I promise I will update more later tonight.

Oh and Houston is going to be starting speech soon!**Doing the cabbage patch!**